Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


Traditional societies cannot be separated from the norms and rules are binding on That every movement and Their daily actions. most of the people Whose lives are traditionally strongly tied to nature around Them. whether it is a living system as well as Their livelihoods depend on the nature. characteristic of traditional societies by Talcott Parsons are:
Afektifitas : namely the relationship the between members of the society based on compassion.
That collective orientation is more priority to the interests of the group / togetherness.
Particularize about everything That has to do with anything That may be unique to a particular area only, nothing to do with subjective feelings and a sense of togetherness.

Askripsi about everything that has gained from the inheritance of previous generations.
Diffuseness (vagueness) is expressing something by not straightforward.
Of the five traits expressed by Talcott Parsons is known That traditional society prioritizes be a common interest in this case the interest groups the resource persons were the resource persons compared with individual interests. traditional communities in carrying out the rules Often That cling to the principle has been embraced for generations. these principles in unemployment if traditional societies in order to maintain what already exists from the time of Their Ancestors. interesting from a traditional society is the existence of rules or patterns That Apply in the decision-making, the the which We commonly see there are three theories in decision making are:
1.      Comprehensive Theory of Rational
The theory of decision-making of the best known and Perhaps also That much is widely accepted by the rational comprehensive theory. The main elements of this theory can be Stated as follows:
At some decision makers are faced certain problems the which can be distinguished from other problems or at least Considered as the problems That can be compared to each other.
Goals, values, or goals That guided the decision makers is quite clear and can be set in accordance with the rank order of importance.
Various alternatives to solve the problem thoroughly researched.
Consequences (costs and benefits) posed by each of the selected alternatives studied.
Each alternative and each accompanying a result, can be compared with the alternative-other alternative.
Will choose an alternative decision maker 'and its Consequences' that can maximize the achievement of goals, values ​​or targets That have been outlined.
Comprehensive theory of rational criticism and a lot to get the sharpest criticism comes from an expert in Economics and Mathematical Charles Lindblom (1965, 1964 '1959) 'Lindblom That it expressly states true decision makers are not faced with concrete problems and formulated with clear.

Furthermore, decision makers may also be firmly Difficult to sort out the values ​​with the between his own That values ​​are believed to be public. Advocates of the model assumptions rational That the the between facts and values ​​can be easily distinguished, even separated, never proven in everyday reality. Finally, there is still a problem 'so-called,, sunk cost,,. Making decisions, agreements and previous investments in policies and programs now exist That Likely Will Prevent the decision maker to make-decisions That are completely different from existing ones.

For the context of developing countries, According to R's. Milne (1972), this comprehensive fashion irrational accuses Will obviously not apply. The reason is: information / data statistic Inadequate; the inadequacy of the theory is ready for the conditions of developing countries; ecological culture in the the which the decision-making System That Operates also do not support the bureaucracy in developing countries are commonly known, is very weak and not Able to supply rational elements in decision making.

2.      Incremental theory

The theory of incremental decision-making reflects a theory of decision making That avoids many of the issues to Consider (Such as rational comprehensive theory daram) and, at the same time, a lot more theory describes the way in the the which the government officials in taking the day-to-day decisions.
Principles of incremental theory can be described as follows.
Selection of goals or objectives and analysis of empirical measures are Necessary to Achieve it is seen as something of interrelated rather than as something separated from each other.
Decision makers only Considered Consider That A Few alternatives are directly related with the subject matter and the alternative-the alternative is just viewed differently by the incremental or marginal Pals compared with the existing policy.
For each alternative is only a small number of fundamental Consequences That Will be evaluated.
The problems faced by policy-makers Will be defined. Incremental view Gives the possibility to Consider and adjust the goals and means and the means and objectives so as to make-the impact of the problem can be tackled more.
That no decisions or solutions are right for each problem. Touchstone for good decision lies in the belief That a variety of analysis will eventually agree on Certain decisions even without agreeing That the decision was most Appropriate as a means to an end.
Decision-making essentially small incremental improvements and it is more geared to Improve imperfections of concrete Efforts to Overcome existing social problems than as an Attempt to offer social goals entirely new in the days to come.
Decision making and policies is essentially the product of give and take and mutual trust INVOLVED Among the Various parties in the decision process. In a pluralistic society Whose structure incremental Understand This is politically safer Because it Will be Easier to reach an agreement if the problem issue debated by Various groups INVOLVED is simply an Attempt to modify the nature of the programs already exist rather than Pals That it concerns issues of wisdom about the radical changes the the which have the "take all or nothing. Because decision makers are in a state of uncertainty, ESPECIALLY Concerning the Consequences of Their actions in the future, then the incremental nature of this decision will from from reduced risks and costs posed by the atmosphere of uncertainty it is also sufficient incremental realistic Understand That Because he realized the decision makers are Actually less time, less experience and less of other resources Necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of all alternatives to solve the problems That exist.

3.      Integrated Theory of Observations (Mixed Scanning Theory)

Advocate of this theory is the organizational sociologist Amitai Etzioni. Etzioni agrees to the criticisms directed incremental theorists in a comprehensive rational theory, but he also showed some Weaknesses contained in the incremental theory. For example, decisions made by decision-makers be more incremental Will Represent or model adherents Reflect the interests of powerful groups and established as well as groups are capable of organizing That its importance in society, while the interests of the politically weak groups and Unable to Will organize practical interests ignored. Be Further "by focusing on the interests / short-term goals and just Trying to pay attention to the limited variation in the Policies That exists now, then the incremental models to ignore the growing niche opportunities for the necessity of social reform (Social Innovation) is fundamentals.

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