Rabu, 03 November 2010


Program Implementation Konawe WALHI in the North. Improve the Knowledge Society. Increased knowledge Konawe conducted in North and distribution of leaflets Publications, Film, Interactive Dialogue on the Radio, Interactive Dialogue on TV, Documentation of Best Practices. Evidence of success in North Konawe WALHI in improving the knowledge society is a society no longer stay silent in addressing the existing territory, one of which is with the advent of oil companies located in North Konawe, the community together to discuss and find solutions on land that has been planted with palm. Various community activities that bring them goverment problem areas, to perform an act of solidarity for the rights of society. In a society do not forget to coordinate with the security order in any action that does not happen execution of actions that can harm and anarchists. Community Capacity Building. Increased capacity of communities including Training Vertex Law and Human Rights, Deer EIA Training, Conflict Management Training. The real proof in the success of this field is a community of WALHI and WALHI as a facilitator has successfully created a map of the area with public rights of people who call it a traditional customary rights. This is a very new breakthrough for the community because the community had marked the boundaries of their territory by using only the stock or plants that they grow, now no longer a public area of ​​North Konawe already have a map of the indigenous territories. This demonstrates the success of WALHI with communities in improving the capacity to support a better life. Intensive Assistance, Discussion of the Village. Discussions home regularly is important to exchange ideas among people in different ways, both the problems faced, the experience of handling the problem and likely to be born from a common understanding to make the handling of the problem together on a variety of problems encountered. In a town meeting is also expected to occur in the positive interaction between people to build togetherness, tolerance and solidity facing various threats coming from outside. And to build together to encourage the alignments of government policy on local communities. Provision Complaint Center, a center established to receive reports of complaints related to the problems of society and human rights violations, destruction of natural resources and environment. Alternative locations in the central secretariat of the complaint Secretariat WALHI Southeast Sulawesi.
WALHI programs conducted in the Northern region Konawe all get a good response from local governments even more than society, because with WALHI as one of the organizations involved in environmental
empowerment can provide motivation to the community in environmental conservation in the area of ​​North Konawe, let alone give WALHI input and experience to the community in terms of keeping, while preserving the environment of their territory. WALHI provide insight into the importance of protecting the environment so that balance can be maintained between living things and need each other.
The most obvious advantage is felt by the community in physical form is the main complaint of environmental issues, and human rights in the Northern Territory Konawe, the impact is felt also by the public is with the jealous people met to discuss the problem of rampant oil palm plantations in the area north Konawe , and the community also formed a community organization that works with forestry pemerintaha to jointly oversee the environmental violations on a large scale and can cause adverse effects by the community.

The influence of WALHI. Since its existence, WALHI Southeast Sulawesi has a lot to contribute meaningfully to society Konawe constructive thought patterns in the North, with various training and mentoring done WALHI Southeast Sulawesi, has shown its role as a major environmental organizations and is able to provide understanding and knowledge of the refinery and wise utilization of the environment. It is considered by a local escort from WALHI that:
Before the advent of WALHI state of society, they do not realize the problem of natural resource loss, after WALHI they know, and it's been proven that the use of natural resources that are useful for the survival of communities in their area. Increased knowledge and understanding of the public after the entry of WALHI is the understanding of the legal rights of the people, that here we have the right over there ... (Interview 06/06/2010).
From the above statement in getting a role in providing pembianan WALHI community and provide knowledge and understanding is very helpful to the community what the community here are faced with various problems, whether it's people's rights and the many parties that take advantage of the public regarding the lack of monitoring of display rules environmental legislation and regulations regarding the refinery. Accompaniment by WALHI received a good reception by the public, by Seba WALHI won the trust by the community to conduct coaching and improvement mindset in order to defend the rights of society itself.
Konawe Environment in the North. In general terms the law of Indonesia number 32 of 2009, article 1, paragraph 1, of the environment pengelolahan principal provisions, the environment is the unity of space and all objects, power, circumstances and living creatures, including humans and their behavior, which affects the survival and well-being behavior of humans and other creatures. Environmental elements can be divided into three, namely: 1. Biological elements (biotic) Element biological (biotic), elements of the environment that consists of living beings, like humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. If we were in school gardens, biological environment dominated by plants. But if you're in class, then the dominant biological environment is a friend or neighbor. 2. Socio-cultural elements, social and cultural elements of environmental, social and cultural rights which are man-made which is a system of values, ideas, and beliefs in behavior as social beings. Communities can achieve thanks to the regularity of the system of values ​​and norms that are recognized and obeyed by all members of society. In North Konawe own socio-cultural elements that have started to fade in the presence of some of the activities that cause environmental damage. Such as disclosure of one of the residents who live Linomoyo village, said:
Living conditions, culture parents still take first ... agriculture. The development of enterprises of all orders the parents first. People are trying to be withdrawn keperusahaan workers, land acquisition, the limited scope of people do not even exist .. Adaiah company decided Mondau (planting berpendampingpendampingk cooperate) arbitrarily companies denude forests and if we look at the current state of oil palm plantations almost kebibir beach. (Interview 15-05-2010)
From the interview above shows that companies and forest managers in North Konawe, a hereditary tradition as preserved in the start disconnected. The existence of land use on large Basaran by oil companies operating in the area resulted in the absence of land that can diergunakan by society to carry out their customary traditions, not only that but the lack of community or youth menjadipenerus Mondau tradition is because almost all youth who arrived in sekitara employees drawn into the plantation company. If this sort of thing goes on for too long then it is not possible once there is a tradition that could have been lost, no longer even recognized by the community.
Therefore Pran WALHI need to build knowledge and level of public awareness for membagun back the tradition that exists and remains. WALHI strive with all our ability to provide insight and training on capacity building of community social, cultural, and economic development in North Konawe. 3. Elements of physical (abiotic) elements of physical (abiotic) elements of the environment consisting of objects of non-living, such as soil, water, air, climate, and others. The existence of the physical environment play a huge role for the survival of all life on earth. State of the physical elements in the North Konawe still in good condition, except in cases of large-scale opening by prusahaan and used as a planting area of
​​oil palm, then the rest of the cultivation of oil palm land will be difficult to restore normal circumstances, because according to Indonesia mengugkapkan that the association of oil palm is a plant whose root fibers, and the production of palm oil has a mass of 25 years, masta palm must be destroyed or cut down because it no longer productive, in the period to restore the earth as it took more than five years, and even then only during the decay of the roots of palms, not to return to work soil and replanting should be state land in North Konawe will be damaged. To anticipate WALHI recognize the responsibility as a companion Konawe communities in the North to provide knowledge about the impact of large-scale land clearing and the impact of oil palm plantations in the northern district Kanawe.
Environmental Degradation in Northern Konawe environmental damage that occurred in North Konawe caused largely by comparing the major companies operating in North Konawe. Since the beginning of the operation of the Rights of Forest Control (HPH), PT. Intisixta in 1992, has a concession with an area of ​​296,000 hectares. Since then forest Asera (before expansion Asera District) under pressure. The destruction of the ecosystem began to emerge, local wisdom is preserved for generations began to interfere, declining economic conditions due to limited activity of the community around the concession company. The disaster began to override the community's first flash flood occurred in 1996, when the concession of PT. New Intisixta operation for 4 years. The result is that communities suffered losses worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Flooding is also, to cut public transport because the only permanent bridge was brought current. Several environmental agencies that are members of WALHI concluded that the flooding that occurred in District Asera mainly because of the level deporestasi (deforestation) is very high which act by rampant logging and land clearing for oil palm plantations. Some companies such as HPH PT. Intisixta, Oil Palm Plantation PTPN XIV, PT. Gruop Torganda, PT. South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi Prima Lestari. Most companies do about Lasolo aktitasnya watershed and Lalindu. Therefore, do not be surprised if the rains could bring flash floods. From forms of damage that occurs in North Konawe that the damage caused by natural events caused by human and cause such a catastrophic hit Konawe North. Hope the people who live in northern areas Konawe certainly hope that their lives are safe from flooding, a healthy economy and health guaranteed.
Factors Affecting the Role of Public Institutions Sawadaya WALHI In Environmental Management In Konawe North. Suteki and Dyah (2004), reveals there are several factors that influence the presence of NGOs in the region dampingannya, ie internal factors include the Fund, Human Resources, Quality, and Outreach programs. And external factors on the relationship with government and other NGOs. WALHI itself in running this program did not experience problems such as internal factors and external factors, because as the above data indicate that factors both internal funds, the quality of human resources, and outreach programs WALHI not experience obstacles that could hamper the program in the area to help them. While in terms of external relations with the governments concerned and relationships with other NGOs WALHI did not experience problems as a result of the above data show that WALHI always maintain good relations with local governments for the success achieved dankerjasama that the program runs fine. As relations with other NGOs, WALHI formed the basis of proposals from several NGOs in the environmental field in order WALHI in the area disuatu form, so the relationship with other NGOs WALHI automatically maintained.
Conclusion. Based on the results of research and discussion, the authors propose some conclusions as follows: 1. Role of the Environment Forum in Southeast Pegetahuan Increasing Environmental Awareness and Konawe in the North, in the form of publication and distribution of leaflets, Screening, Training Vertex Law and Human Rights, Deer EIA Training, Conflict Management Training, Discussion of the village, the overall activity of WALHI provide significant benefits and perceived by the people who have helped the region WALHI, People increasingly bold in taking a stance to protect and defend their rights from the hands of irresponsible. WALHI as an organization engaged in the environmental field, has successfully run the programs and the community to help provide facilities in order to increase knowledge and capacity of the community arrived in the region dampingannya. 2. Internal and external factors affecting the role of Public Institutions Sawadaya WALHI in environmental management in North Konawe, in the discussion of research there are several factors that influence the presence of NGOs in creating programs. The first is the internal factor is funding, the quality of human resources, and program coverage. And external factors that affect the relationship with government and other NGOs. In the case of WALHI as a large organization in terms of their internal experience not because of funding constraints, the quality of their human resources is clear of any program they run, while the funds coming from abroad can receive them, but with the condition and does not conflict with existing norms at WALHI WALHI quality human resources are trained and able to organize local communities residing in their own accompaniment. While the outreach programs that run mostly on the outskirts of WALHI Kendari, but WALHI itself is not difficult because in addition to having a companion to msyarakat WALHI, WALHI also has a companion of the local community. Suggestions Based on the conclusions of the study, the authors propose some suggestions as recommendations from penelian as follows: 1. Environmental forum for South-East Sulawesi continued to increase assistance to do, because every assistance conducted by WALHI has a time limit, and with limited time like WALHI always utilize a well and a maximum. So that people can also sense the input provided by WALHI, the sequel might be expected after WALHI has not helped the community, the public can apply the knowledge they can from any activities carried out during this WALHI. 2. WALHI independent, and defend the rights of the people continue to hold, due to run the program, many experience barriers or factors that influence the role of WALHI in the increase of knowledge and society in the region dampingannya kesadarn.
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